Aligning talent management with organizational strategy
23rd May 2012, Oak Room, Cinnamon Grand, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Conference Proceedings
Registration / Inauguration
CEO’s opening address
Dinesh Saparamadu, Founder Chairman of hSenid.
“HR Analytics in Managing Talent”
Mario Ferraro, Consulting Director, Human Capital – South East Asia, Deloitte Consulting.
Synopsis: How do you ensure that you have the correct talent placed in the correct role within the origination? Do you monitor their developments? Can you ensure that your talent is motivated, satisfied and are willing to grow with the organization to the next level? Is there a way to predict the next move of your key talent? Key challenge is not only to acquire and grow talent, but also future predictability of your key talent ensuring their retention and long term career within your organization.
Tea break
“Where is your talent”
Sunil Dissanayake, Head Group Human Resources / Services, Hayleys PLC.
Synopsis: How does an organization effectively use performance assessment methodologies to identify the employees with higher potential? Do the current performance assessment methods effectively support the organization in its talent assessment to meet its business challenges? What could be the best practices available and how effectively those could be implemented? What are the challenges faced by an organization in effective implementation of performance assessment methodologies to harness the best talent to ensure continuous organizational growth?
HR Sri Lanka Web Site Launch
“Green HR: Change to Sustain”
Subramaniam Eassuwaren, Vice Chairman, Eswaran Brothers Exports(Pvt)Ltd.
Synopsis: What is GREEN HR ? Where are the corporate GREEN initiatives heading for? What is the relevance of Green HR in bad economy? How to elevate the corporate position in Green Sustainability Index as sheer Greenness? Change in high potential employee’s perception of them working for Ethical Greener Employer. High potential individuals are typically very vibrant and how some of the GREEN initiatives provide them a vibrant platform to perform even faster.
Lunch Break
Panel Discussion “CEO’s Perspective of Talent Management”
Moderated by: Dinesh Saparamadu, Founder Chairman of hSenid.
Mario Ferraro, Consulting Director, Human Capital – South East Asia, Deloitte Consulting.
Dr. Lalith Gamage, Founder CEO & President, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.
Niranjan de Silva, CEO, Metropolitan Computers(Pvt)Ltd.
End of Program